As everyone who reads this website knows, I love to cook. However, since I work weird hours and run two websites (not to mention cook for one) I don’t always get to do so. Usually dinner is takeout or something simple that isn’t too time consuming to make. Some days, I am lucky and have someone else cook for me but those days are few and far between.
However, buying restaurant food gets expensive and isn’t always the most healthy option. Also, who the heck wants to spend twelve dollars on a salad? Not only is it cheaper to make it at home, but for me, it is never filling. I could add all the toppings in the world and still be hungry an hour later.
In order to save money and calories, I decided to actually cook more on my days off. I am still not into the whole food prep for week thing, but I know I can cook enough to at least have something left over for lunch the next day. I also realized that not every meal I make has to be complicated. In fact, there are plenty of easy options out there for those on the go!
I decided to share some of my very easy recipes that can be made on the fly with you guys. Some stuff can be prepared in advance, with other ingredients being added later.
The first thing I did was prepare a package of ground beef. Since it was a two pound package, I cooked it (just fried up with some salt, pepper, garlic and onion)and divided it into sections. Then I was able to make one meal for tonight and save the rest of the meat for other meals throughout the week.
Tonight’s Meal: Deconstructed burrito:
Ground beef
Shredded cheese
Refried beans
I cooked the rice and beans in the microwave (instant rice FTW!) and then added the meat and cheese on top. I also added some sour cream and hot sauce and BOOM. I had a quick and easy meal in minutes.
I will add the rest of the ground beef recipes throughout the week.