Men and Women As Friends

Do you remember that whole theory from When Harry Met Sally where the two titular characters debated on if men and women can truly be friends? This is one of my favorite movies and it recently got me thinking on this topic.

One of my closest friends happens to be a male and he is a very important part of my life. I trust him, confide in him about everything in my life and he is often the first person I go to for advice and the first non family member I contact when something important happens in my life. This friend is very important to me and I am so grateful to have him as a part of my life.

The thing is, while I am very grateful for my female friends, there are some things I prefer to talk to with my male friends. My male friends (especially the one I consider to  be my best guy friend) give me different ideas on how to view things, both in the way they think and the way they experience life. For example, I could ask my female friend for relationship advice and she will talk to me based on her experience, whereas my guy friend will give me knowledge based on WHY the guy might be acting a certain way…because he can relate to the guy. Getting this point of view helps me look at my problem from a different point of view and be more mindful of how I approach things.

Another good thing about having male friends is knowing I will always feel safe and protected. If there is a problem or I need something, I know I can call them, no questions asked. I know they will always defend me and help me when needed. This is not to say they will be rescuing me or treating me like a damsel in distress, it just means that I know that I have a safe haven when necessary.

The point is, men and women can be friends. In fact, it is important to have a good friend of the opposite sex. I am so grateful for my male friends and even more grateful that I have a male best friend that I can rely on for anything life throws my way and vice versa.

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